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  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
人民币 千元
人民币 千元
人民币 千元
人民币 千元
人民币 千元
Revenue 收入 6,773,463 5,991,841 5,400,487 4,607,369 4,476,449
Gross profit 毛利 2,847,557 2,591,826 2,291,295 2,067,710 2,054,495
Profit for the year 年度利润 992,313 1,001,620 866,844 786,507 741,390
Profit attributable to owners of the Cmopany
590,188 582,888 507,249 467,553 417,650
Earning per share (RMB) 每股收益(人民币元) 0.46 0.46 0.40 0.37 0.33
Dividend per share (RMB) 每股股息(人民币元) 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Gross profit ratio 毛利率 42.04% 43.26% 42.43% 44.88% 45.90%
Net profit ratio Re净利率 14.65% 16.72% 16.05% 17.07% 16.56%
Current ratio 流动比率 4.49 4.42 3.31 3.04 4.49
Quick ratio 速动比率 2.29 2.77 2.07 1.85 3.04
Liability/Asset ratio 资产负债表 28.55% 27.78% 29.63% 29.15% 29.18%
Return on equity 股本回报率 10.28% 11.11% 10.63% 10.15% 10.00%
Return on assets 资产回报率 7.35% 8.02% 7.48% 7.19% 1.08%
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
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人民币 千元
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人民币 千元
Total assets 资产统计 13,507,742 12,484,768 11,593,866 10,940,798 10,469,970
Total liabilities 负债合计 3,855,857 3,467,830 3,435,464 3,189,293 3,055,396
Equity attributable to owners of the Company
6,889,417 6,482,751 5,979,479 5,731,549 5,527,255